
Our Programs are an attempt to bring our values into practices. They are the central services that we offer.

10614136_858210794190417_7492667482817368496_nOur main service is Food Accessibility. This is where all UTM students struggling with food insecurity can get free access to good wholesome food. Please see the Food Accessibility Section for more details.



The Community Food Garden is our on campus food gardening plot. This is where we attempt to bring sustainability, food literacy and food security into practice. This is a communal program that helps our members, volunteers and the earth. Please click on Food Garden to learn more.

10377450_445465422268273_2444022048198340085_nFinally, the Community Kitchen program is where we combine food literacy, nutrition, and food accessibility. Community Kitchens are a place for our members to get together for the purpose of learning important food skills such as cooking. Participants can cook a meal together, make new friends and take the food home!  We hope to make this a regular program in the future and we are currently working with the administration and Chartwells to see it happen. This program is currently under construction, if you wish to get involved in planning and organizing this please contact us!