Food Garden

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What it is:

Community Food Gardens are a place where Food Centre members and all students are encouraged to gr10712726_728217233893329_8910879056617035835_now their own food. Students will learn how to grow and maintain the garden. The food that grows in that space will be distributed between volunteers, and our programs. This ensures that fresh organic vegetables and fruits are always accessible at the Food Centre.



We wish to empower students to control their own food and have access to healthy sustainable food. This also aims to create an environment where people could talk10676218_728215853893467_4855646932974629284_n about food insecurity, health and sustainability. It is a space for our members to access food that they grow themselves, enabling them to control the food they eat! This also ensures that the Food Centre does not rely on and thereby reinforce the powers of the food system that creates food insecurity and unhealthy food in the first place.

Where it is:

Our garden is located right next to the McGrath Residence. Right across the street from the small pondMap to garden you will find the townhouses of the McGrath Residence. The garden is located in a fenced off area right next to Parking Lot 10. We also keep a few plants indoor in the hopes of launching a full indoor food gardening project in the future (click here if you want to be involved in the planning).


The Urban Agriculture Club at UTM founded the Community Food Garden. After the executives of the club began were ready to graduate, one of the founders approached the Food Centre coordinator and offered to pass197548_10150109347651743_512506742_7077892_1443106_n on the garden to the Food Centre’s supervision. With permission and assistance from the Grounds Department as well as the Campus Sustainability Coordinator, we were able to gain access to the lot in the summer of 2014.




How to get involved:

Simply e-mail our Food Centre coordinator at to subscribe to our mailing list. All you will need to do is attend one prep meeting, then you can come out to our scheduled drop in hours whenever you want. You may also join our Facebook group for updates on events and gardening schedule:

Building Community. Making New Friends. Sustainable Food. Getting Active. Hands on Learning. Reclaiming Food Literacy.